Medicare Part B Simplified
- Services from doctors and other health care providers
- Outpatient care
- Limited outpatient drugs
- Home health care
- Preventive services such as colonoscopies, mammograms, and flu shots
- Mental health, both outpatient and inpatient
- Ambulance services
- Durable medical equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, beds, etc.)
- Getting a second opinion pre-surgery
Part B is especially valuable for serious hospital expenses like surgeries, radiation or chemotherapy, diagnostic imaging such as MRIs, and dialysis for failing kidneys. It will also pay for drugs required in an inpatient setting, such as infused medications, antigens, and insulin used with an insulin pump. For outpatient drugs, coverage is provided by Part D.
A helpful feature of Part B is its coverage for preventive services including an annual “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit, cardiovascular screenings, cancer and diabetes screenings, as well as flu and hepatitis B shots. Please go to to see a complete list of preventive services.
How Does Part B Eligibility Work?
Medicare Part B is yours automatically if you are under 65 and getting Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits — expect your card to arrive 1-2 months before you turn 65.
If you are under 65 and have a disability, Part A and B automatically activate after 24 months of receiving disability benefits from SS or RRB.
It’s important to keep in mind that if you’re close to 65 and not getting SS or RRB benefits, you must sign up for Medicare. You must enroll 3 months before your 65th birthday and you can do it online, over the phone, or just by walking into your local Social Security office. You’ll get your card within 2 to 3 weeks, perhaps just in time for coverage you need.
The other ways you can qualify for Medicare before 65 are:
- If you have end-stage-renal disease (ENRD)
- If you have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease
Of course, you need to be a U.S. citizen or an alien with lawful residency who has lived here for 5 continuous years prior to the month of applying for Medicare.
When Do I Need to Enroll?
Your enrollment window is during the critical Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), the 7-month time beginning 3 months before your 65th birthday, including your birthday month, and ending 3 months after you turn 65.
After your IEP ends, a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) allows you to sign up if you missed your first chance because you, a spouse, or family member had coverage through an employer or union-sponsored group health plan.
You can sign up for Part A or B:
- Any time you’re still covered by the group health plan
- During the 8-month period beginning the month after the employment or the coverage ends, whichever happens first
Signing up during the Special Enrollment Period means you can avoid a late enrollment penalty. If you are an end-stage-renal disease patient, the SEP doesn’t apply to you. Keep in mind that both retiree coverage and COBRA don’t qualify as health coverage based on current employment and disallow you for a SEP. And make sure not to wait until your COBRA coverage ends to sign up for Part B; your 8-month SEP begins immediately after your current employment or group plan ends (whichever comes first).
If you failed to sign up for Medicare when you were first eligible, and you didn’t have any creditable coverage, you may be subject to the Medicare Part B late enrollment penalty. This penalty is equal to 10% per year for every year (12 full months) that you waited to enroll. This penalty gets applied against the standard Part B premium, which in 2023 will be $164.90.
When you do finally enroll, you’ll need to wait for the Medicare General Enrollment Period to sign up for Part B. This period runs from January 1st to March 31st each year. Your benefits will then begin the following July. This can be a double whammy because not only do you now owe a penalty, but you have to wait several months for your coverage to kick in.
If you enrolled late because you’ve had employer group health coverage from a company with 20 or more employees, you will not be subject to the Medicare Part B late enrollment penalty. When you leave that coverage, you have 8 months to sign up for Part B. This is called your Special Enrollment Period for Medicare.
The best way to avoid the Medicare Part B late enrollment penalty is to enroll in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period. You can learn more about Medicare enrollment periods here.
Helpful Enrollment Tips
What is Part B Going to Cost Me?
For 2023, 95% of people with Medicare Part B are paying a reasonable premium of $164.90, but your premium will rise with your income. See our cost chart.
Your basic costs are:
- The annual Medicare Part B deductible ($226)
- 20% of the remaining costs, with no limits or cap
- Extra charges beyond what Medicare covers
There’s one expense you can avoid — the late enrollment penalty. It’s worthwhile to start “thinking Medicare” coming up to your 65th birthday so you’ll remember to sign up the moment you’re eligible. This way you won’t have to pay an additional 10% of your premium for each 12-month period that you could have had Part B — for as long as you have Part B!
To get an idea what this means, consider Ms. Adams, whose Initial Enrollment Period ended December 31st, 2016. She didn’t sign up until the General Enrollment Period (January 1st-March 31st) in 2023 and ended up paying 20% on top of her premium since she was 2 whole years late, and had to pay that amount every year thereafter.
Of all your costs, the most significant is the 20% owed for outpatient medical care. For services like surgeries or chemotherapy, your expenses can add up to tens of thousands of dollars. There’s no reason to get hit with these expenses when there are supplemental coverage options available for any budget.
Making Part B payments is easy if you are already enrolled in your SS income benefits: Medicare will take your premiums straight out of your Social Security check. Or, you can get a quarterly bill with a credit card option. Additionally, you have Medicare Easy Pay, a free autodraft service that will deduct your premium payments monthly from a checking or savings account.
Still confused? Call us!
We’re here at 833-245-0614 to answer any questions, and ready to help with any issues you might have with an insurer through the enrollment process.
Table of Contents
Are prescription drugs covered under Part B?
No, you will need to get a Part D plan for outpatient drugs.
I’m near my 65th birthday and am not yet getting Social Security benefits. Am I eligible for Part B?
You’re eligible, but need to sign up. Make sure to enroll 3 months before your 65th birthday. You can do it online, over the phone, or just by walking into your local Social Security office.
I have a disability. Can I still get Medicare Part B?
When do I need to enroll in Part B?
Your enrollment window is during the critical Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), the 7-month time beginning 3 months before your 65th birthday, including your birthday month, and ending 3 months after you turn 65.
What’s the annual deductible for Part B?
What are the best Medicare supplement plans?
- Best overall Medicare supplement for new enrollees: Plan G
- Best overall Medicare supplement before 2020: Plan F
- Best low cost Medicare supplement: Plan K
- Best alternative to Plan G Medicare supplement: Plan N
What is a Medicare supplement plan?
Medicare Supplement policies are private health insurance designed to cover gaps in Original Medicare. They are also known as Medigap plans. These take care of costs such as copays, coinsurance, and deductibles which can become expensive if you need regular care from a doctor or hospital. If you need medical care while traveling outside the U.S., you can buy Medigap policies to help cover those costs. As a supplement to Original Medicare, you’re required to have Part A and Part B before you canget a Medigap policy. This way, Medicare is responsible for the Medicare-approved costs of the covered care, and the remainder is covered by your Medigap plan.
What is the most expensive Medicare supplement plan?
Optimal coverage comes with higher costs, making Plan F the most expensive Medigap plan. Plan F is known as “first-dollar coverage” and it takes care of everything provided during a doctor or hospital visit. Your only responsibility is for dental, vision, medications, and equipment, such as hearing aids.
Why is Plan F being discontinued?
The Federal government ended the Plan F option for new enrollees last year to keep the healthcare system from being overused by patients who had their deductibles covered. The next best coverage after Plan F is Plan G.
Is Plan G better than Plan F?
Medigap Plan G offers every advantage of Plan F except for the deductible, which you have to cover. Because it isn’t as comprehensive as Plan F, Plan G is more affordable.
What is the best and cheapest Medicare supplement insurance?
For people who don’t go to the doctor often, Plan K is worth considering. It is the most affordable because it provides just 50% of Medicare Part B coinsurance, the Part A deductible, blood, skilled nursing, and Part A hospice costs. For comparison, Plan G and others offer full coverage of these expenses, and more.
Is Medicare supplemental insurance worth it?
It’s hard to argue against plans which cut your traditional Medicare costs. For most people, having the extra coverage these supplemental plans provide is common sense, unless they want the specific features of a Medicare Advantage plan.
Do I really need supplemental insurance with Medicare?
Most people would benefit from not having to pay out-of-pocket to stay healthy. Medicare supplement insurance or a Medicare Advantage plan offer vital savings now, but are indispensable should a catastrophic health issue occur.
What is the most popular UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement plan?
Of the 10 Medicare-approved Medigap plans, Plan G and Plan N are the most popular. Plan F is no longer available to new Medicare enrollees as of 2020, but it is still popular among people who bought this plan prior to 2020.
How much does Medigap insurance cost?
- Plan F$128–$342
- Plan F (high deductible)$22–$88
- Plan G$106–$325
- Plan G (high deductible)$29–$58
Who qualifies for Medigap?
Before getting a Medicare supplement plan, you need to be enrolled in Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance). People with Medicare Advantage Plans who want to go back to Original Medicare can buy a Medigap policy prior to switching.
Is Medigap insurance worth the cost?
The security of having lower or no out-of-pocket healthcare costs can offset the premiums you’ll have to pay for whichever Medigap plan you choose, which vary depending on the benefits offered.
How Much Is Medigap per month?
The national average cost for Medicare Supplement Plan F is $1,824 annually, which is $152/month; Medigap Plan G will cost you around $143 per month.
Is Plan G the best Medigap plan?
Since Plan F was discontinued for new enrollees as of 2020, Plan G offers the most coverage for people 65 and older. It has a lower premium than Plan F and duplicates its benefits, except for the Part B deductible.
Is it better to have Medicare Advantage or Medigap?
It depends on your specific needs, but for most people a Medigap plan is very useful in supplementing the coverage of Medicare Part A and Part B. A Medicare Advantage plan is an affordable way to get healthcare coverage not offered by Original Medicare.
Learn More
What is the most popular Medicare supplement plan?
Historically, Plan F has been the most popular because it covers all the out-of-pocket costs Medicare does’t pay for. This includes the 15% extra charge billed by providers who do not take Medicare as full payment.
Does Medigap cover prescription drugs?
Since January 1, 2006, no Medigap policy came with prescription drug coverage. You have two options to get covered, enrolling in either a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) or a Medicare Advantage plan.